We now have Pharmacom Test-E and Sustanon and more back in stock and available from our store.

There are some Pharmacom products which we are still waiting for and we expect these in the near future. These products are Test-E 500, Sustanon 500, Anavar and a few more.

Please find the links to their products below:

TEST-E: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/labs/pharmacom/injectable-products/pharmacom-test-e-1.html

SUSTANON: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/labs/pharmacom/injectable-products/pharmacom-sustanon.html

FULL RANGE: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/labs/pharmacom/all-products.html

INJECTABLE RANGE: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/labs/pharmacom/injectable-products.html

ORAL RANGE: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/labs/pharmacom/oral-products.html

Please rest assured any Pharmacom product you purchase from us will be 100% genuine.
All Pharmaqo products we sell can be verifiied on the official Pharmaqo website: https://pharmaqolabs.to/productVerification

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