We have added some new products to our Sale category, including the SIS Labs range (these products will not be restocked and are not a part of our normal brands which we stock). Pharmacom inejctables (ampules) - Unfortunately some of our stock has expired and we have listed these on sale with a massive 40% discount on the original price. Along with these products we have added Pharmacom Sibutramine, Pharmacom Test-Propionate (vials), Proviron (Bayer), T4, Clomid (Pharma Grade) and Letrozole (Pharma Grade).

All products are on sale and can be found here https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale.html on our website.

Pharmacom Test-E Ampules: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/pharmacom-test-e-3.html

Pharmacom Sustanon Ampules: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/pharmacom-sustanon-2.html

Pharmacom Test-Cypionate Ampules: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/pharmacom-test-cypionate-ampules.html

Pharmacom Test-Propionate Ampules: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/pharmacom-test-propionate-1.html

SIS Labs Winstrol: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/sis-winstrol-10mg.html

SIS Labs Promastren: https://www.xlpharmastore.com/sale/sis-promastren.html

All these SIS Labs products can be verifiied on the official SIS Labs website: https://sislabs.net/verify-your-product

All these Pharmacom products can be verified on the official Pharmacom website:

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